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Lost Jobs, Retooled Lives and a Greener Future

By April 8, 2021 No Comments

I’ve laid in bed depressed because there was more money in my son’s piggy bank than there was in our account.


Behind every layoff in the energy industry there is a person, and each person has their own story.

In this episode of CBC Calgary’s Disruption: How We Find Energy, Create Energy and Use Energy, Peter talks to four people affected by the downturn of oil and gas: the choices they faced, the mindset changes necessary to move on, the support they found and how, now, they’re positive about the future — both for themselves and the energy industry.

Listen to Lost Jobs, Retooled Lives and a Greener Future on CBC. And make sure you don’t miss an episode by subscribing wherever you get your podcasts.

Organizations mentioned in this episode:

Iron & Earth is a worker-led organization committed to empowering fossil fuel industry and Indigenous workers to build and implement climate solutions.

Oilfield Dads is a Facebook group created to support workers in the oil and gas industry.

Find out more about the other episodes:
ep. 1 — Stairway to Hell
ep. 3 — Big Bucks and Business in the Energy Transition
ep. 4 — Selling Dreams
ep. 5 — The Next Generation

The tallow chandlers 1692 petition to the City of London

Jobs at risk in 1692

The inspiration for this episode is Defending Against New Technology. This vignette features a 1692 petition from candlemakers to London politicians, asserting that “the labour and industry of many thousands may be lost and their families impoverish’d.” In this case, the convex lens and whale oil were threatening their livelihoods. Unfortunately, their petition was unsuccessful and the advancement of innovation prevailed.

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