Lessons for the Transition to Net Zero In Peter’s 2022 Energy Disruptors keynote, he looks to the 1990s to reveal the conditions that must be met on our journey to net zero now.
The Next Generation In the fifth episode of Disruption, we talk to young people starting a career in energy. What drew them to it? What do they think the future holds?
The Rocket Man: Max Valier Before there was Musk, there was Valier. Watch footage of Max Valier’s rocket-powered trials — of cars, sleds and planes — in the 1920s.
The Forces of Change Discover the six forces of change that both drive and deter our energy transitions.
Big Bucks and Business in the Energy Transition In the third episode of Disruption, we explore how money makes the business of energy — oil and gas, and green tech — go ’round.
Lost Jobs, Retooled Lives and a Greener Future Behind every layoff, there’s a person. In the second episode of Disruption, Peter talks to people directly affected by the downturn.
The Social Costs of Energy Transition As oil and gas communities face the loss of the resources they’re built upon, what’s to become of them and their people?
A Bold New Energy Podcast Disruption — a new CBC Calgary podcast cohosted by Peter — explores the profound challenges of sudden energy transition.
A 60-to-0 Round Trip: Nine Oily Lessons from the Pandemic Nine lessons the pandemic has taught us about the implications of transforming our energy systems.